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5 Surprising Medical Conditions Your Dentist May Find First

November 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilenaples @ 12:35 am
Naples dentist and patient discussing health conditions

During your dental appointments, your pearly whites aren’t just being checked for cavities and surface stains. Your dentist is also carefully searching for warning signs of health issues in the rest of the body. In fact, research from the Academy of General Dentistry shows that more than 90% of all systemic health conditions present symptoms in the mouth. Here are five medical conditions your North Naples dentist may spot before you do simply by looking at your smile.

During your dental appointments, your pearly whites aren’t just being checked for cavities and surface stains. Your dentist is also carefully searching for warning signs of health issues in the rest of the body. In fact, research from the Academy of General Dentistry shows that more than 90% of all systemic health conditions present symptoms in the mouth. Here are five medical conditions your North Naples dentist may spot before you do simply by looking at your smile.


1.) Diabetes

If your dentist notices that you have bleeding, receding, or puffy gums, chronic dry mouth, bad breath, or wiggly teeth, they may suspect diabetes. Since diabetes slows down the body’s natural healing process, those suffering from this condition are at a much higher risk of gum disease. If you show signs of gum disease despite taking good care of your mouth, your dentist may recommend getting a blood test at your doctor’s office for a diagnosis.

2.) GERD

GERD, also known as acid reflux, is a condition where stomach acid is regurgitated into the esophagus and mouth. While most people with GERD recognize it by the uncomfortable heartburn symptoms it typically causes, others may only experience GERD while they are asleep and not know that they have it. Thankfully, your dentist can identify the enamel erosion this condition causes and bring it to your attention.

3.) Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis (a bone weakening condition) can be very difficult to detect since it presents no obvious symptoms at first. Many patients won’t realize they have it until they fracture a bone or take a bone density test. However, visiting your dentist twice a year for routine checkups and cleanings can help catch this issue as early as possible. As your dentist x-rays your mouth to check on the health of your teeth, they’ll also monitor the density of your jawbone.

4.) Stress Disorders

You certainly know when you’re going through a stressful time in life, but your dentist can determine if your level of stress is taking a more serious toll than you realize. A very common symptom of intense stress is bruxism, or teeth grinding, which wears down and weakens the teeth. Since bruxism usually takes place while you sleep, it can be difficult to detect. However, your dentist will be able to spot wear and tear from teeth grinding right away, and they can make you a custom nightguard to help protect your pearly whites.

5.) Heart Disease

Your dentist can tell if you’re at an increased risk of heart disease just by looking at your gums. The advanced stages of gum disease have a variety of negative complications, including boosting a patient’s risk of heart disease by up to 20%. The bacteria at the root of gum disease can potentially get into your bloodstream and travel to your heart and arteries. With deep cleanings, antibiotic therapy, or gum grafting, your dentist can help you contain the infection and get your gum health back on track.

Your teeth aren’t the only part of you that benefits from visiting your dentist! Make sure to get your dental checkups every six months so they can spot and stop all types of issues as early as possible.

About the Author

Dr. George Hoop of Total Dental Solutions for Adults has been helping keep the smiles of North Naples and the surrounding communities healthy for over 30 years. He is proud to use the latest state-of-the-art technology and cutting-edge dental techniques to ensure his patients get the comfortable, efficient, and high-quality care they deserve. Of course, his primary goal is to help his patients maintain great oral and overall health with regular preventive care. To learn more, he can be contacted via his website or at (239) 594-8817.